Sunday, June 13, 2010

Michve Alon(e)?

So this morning my phone rings and its one of the girls in the Lishkat Hagius on the other end. I was told my draft date-finally! But I was also told that prior to my service I am required to attend a 3-week training at Michve Alon, a base near Tzfat. Michve Alon is a base that educated new immigrants before their compulsory army service and includes an intensive Ulpan. The vast majority of people who pass through there are Russian or Ethiopian immigrants fresh off the boats. I also happen to know that I scored an 8 (of 10) on the army Hebrew test, which by relative standards paces me among the average Israel high-schooler in Hebrew proficiency. Not bad at all!

So after speaking with a few friends, one who had served three months in Michve Alon I realized pretty quickly that it's most definitely not the place for me. With my hebrew proficiency the Ulpan is simply unnecesary, but what's the harm in going? Well, from a religious prespective Minyanim are hard to arrange there, and not just because you can't find 10 people who know how to Daven, but because it's difficult to find ten people there who know that they are actually Halachikly Jewish. And if I don't Daven with a Minyan because it's out out of my control, that's not the end of the world, but the lack of a Minyan isn't the worst part. My friend Michoel had swastikas drawn on his bed while he was there.

So after calling a Katzin (high officer) in Machal (the foreigner's army program) he told me that there is absolutely no reason for me to go to Michve Alon. Besides for the fact that I am fluent in Hebrew, after two years of immersion in the Israeli society, I am completely familiar with even the slightest nuances of Israeli society.

So for those who are counting, I am going to make my third trip down to Lishakt Hagius in the coming days to take care of this issue. I am not frustrated only because of my familiarity with Israeli society. Of all the mistakes (Fashlaot) that could have happened, this one isn't that bad.

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